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OBPTS Department of Special Services

In this space, we will be sharing resources aimed at improving our students', families' and staff's mental health. The afternoons on Wednesdays should allow students to catch up on missed work, schedule time with their school counselors, CST case managers, SAC counselors, or teachers to address concerns they have with the remote learning platform. Teachers can utilize this time to communicate with students and parents and plan for additional classroom activities. We also invite you to peruse our shared resources on this page. Read on, and enjoy.

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School Kids Meditating
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Department of Special Services Staff and Administration Contact

Parent Resources Wakelet

District Reopening Plan

Social Emotional Resources

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Tips for a Smooth Transition Back to School

As we continue the transition back to in-person learning, students are experiencing more anxiety and stress than usual. Unfamiliarity,...


Resiliency is a life skill which is most helpful since we may all, at one time or another, face adversity. By increasing students'...

Suicide Prevention and Signs

Suicide, taking your own life, is a tragic reaction to stressful life situations — and all the more tragic because suicide can be...

Cultivating Happiness

Spring is always a time of new beginnings, longer days, and excitement as we prepare for the dog days of summer. This spring is like no...

Resources from NASP

The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) provides incredible handouts and resources regarding mental health and handling...

Mental Health- Back to Basics

Mental Health – Back to Basics In order to maintain our mental health, we need to simplify life and get back to basics. The underlying...

Improving Focus and Attention in Remote Learning

Remote learning is challenging! It is easy to become bored or distracted. Without the direct, hands on support from teachers and the...

Healthy Relationships during a Pandemic

Relationships are at the center of everything we do and can often make or break how we view different situations. When we talk about...

Parent Information about Infections Disease Outbreaks

The information below provides information for parents and caregivers about infectious disease outbreaks in your community. Knowing...

Controlling Anger - Soda Pop Head Read Aloud

His real name is Lester, but everyone calls him Soda Pop Head. Most of the time he is pretty happy, but when things seem to be unfair his...

Coping with a Lack of Control

A common frustration for many students and families right now is the feeling that life is simply out of control. We have no control over...

Belly/Balloon Breathing for Younger Students

Diaphragmatic, or belly breathing, is a way of deep breathing that’s controlled by a large muscle in our abdomen called the diaphragm....

Mindfulness Toolbox

The below video describes a quick overview of some simple activities that parents and children can do at home to foster a sense of...

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Everything You Need



Youth Helpline



LGBTQ community



Suicide Prevention



Children's Crisis Mobile Services

On the Phone
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